If you care about your money, your safety, and your time, you should try purchasing cigarettes online. It's safer and faster; it gives you full control over the process and it allows you to better determine the exact flavor and tar of preference. Purchasing online however requires special actions in order for the transaction to run smoothly from the beginning to the end. This is a guide comprising the general steps you need to consider when buying cigarettes online.

 Tobacco Stores

Make a list with the most reliable and important online retailers that sell the brand of your preference. At this point, it's important to check where they ship the products from.


Refine this list using a few attributes: price, shipping fees (consequently, the final price), special offers, discounts, etc.


At first, it's wise to place two orders at two different retailers. You'll smoke the cigarettes anyway, so you won't waste any money. This way you can easily decide which is better.


After you've found the retailer that suits you best, stick to them. In general, repeat customers receive bonuses and discounts, and you'll be able to take advantage of these offers at a later date. A reliable online retailer is worth its weight in gold!


Irrespective of your address, make sure you only buy from retailers located in safe, civilized countries. This is especially important if you want to place a large order. Even so, it's wise to place a small order first and make sure you get your cigarettes before deciding to go for a larger one.